Sunday 22 May 2011

Chris Killip-A wonder discovered.

Although Chris Killip has been a successful photographer since the 1970's I only discovered him a couple of years ago at the Tate and I immediately fell in love with his work. I have always been a fan of black and white photography and this coupled with his subject matter makes for truly beautiful images. I often think that when people photograph what is familiar to them it makes for the most honest and in depth work and Killip is a pioneer of this. Take, for example, 'Youth on wall' this image captures the essence of the 1970's youth, the Doc Martin boots and the oversize jacket, but the facial expression also speaks of the anguish of youth that is timeless. It could perhaps be seen as projection of Killip's own turmoil as an adolescent. The curator John Szarkowski said "describing a photograph in words is a foolish task, in the pursuit of which no two fools would ever agree." I think he's hit the nail on the head, who needs words when Killips photographs speak to us so profoundly?
Phaidon- Chris Killip55

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