Sunday 3 April 2011

Himalayas-The curious connection with Roland Barthes.

Forgive me if this sounds a little garbled but I have just come down from the Himalayan mountains and the altitude and curious thoughts of Roland Barthes whilst at the top may have sent my brain do-lally.

Let me explain. I came to Himalayas on a whim after being told on arrival in India that it was far too hot to go down south. The arrangements for the trek all happened in much of a whirlwind and before I knew it I found myself on the top of a mountain gazing out over snow capped peaks and desperately trying to photograph one of the worlds greatest phenomenons. The more I tried the more I seemed to fail at capturing this awe inspiring sight. Eventually after maybe 30 exposures I gave up and decided to drink in the sight for my own memories alone. It was when doing this thoughts Barthes came to mind. He says "each time I am (or let myself be) photographed, I invariably suffer from a sensation of in authenticity" although in this context Barthes in talking about his own portrait I found that this seemed to apply to my feelings of photographing the Himalayas, that somehow whatever I captured through the lens did not truly convey the the vast and breathtaking spectacle before me. How through one image could I instill the feel of the sun as it beat down on my neck or the taste and freshness of the air? Although i do no tend to agree with Roland Barthes generally I found that his idea; the "self...never coincides with...the image" was seemingly applicable to the 'soul' of the Himalayas. Somehow the photograph detracts from this beauty rendering it hollow. It could be however that this is a reflection of my abilities as a Photographer that i am not able to convey this magnificent sight.

Roland Barthes-Camera Lucida

1 comment:

  1. goodness me Roland Barthe and the Himalayas - thats fatastic. You should try to get some followers!
